Sunday, 27 April 2014

The Secret Keeper - Kate Morton

When I saw this book in the book store, I was instantly hooked. The cover alone drew my attention but the blurb pulled me in even more. There are four main characters: Laurel, Dorothy, Vivien and Jimmy who are all interlinked in some way. The story is set over three time frames: World War 2, 1960s and 2011. The premise of the story is a daughter looking into her families past which has many twists and turns. The mother, Dorothy, is dying in 2011 and Laurel is searching for answers regarding an event which happened in 1961 which she witnessed. 

Morton has developed the characters in such a way that you instantly love them and you want everything to work out for them and as cheesy as it sounds you literally go through the highs and the lows with every character. I found I was begging for Laurel to find the answers she so desperately needed. The way Morton has developed the storyline leads the reader to find out the answers before her so I found I was having moments of complete frustration as her search took her on a different journey to that which the reader was embarking on. 

Jumping between the different eras enhances the storyline, develops the characters and keeps you reading when you really should have gone to bed. I loved the fact that you were jumping between them, learning things about the past before Laurel did and remembering how hard it was for people during World War 2. It is obvious that Morton conducted a lot of research into the life in London at the time of the Blitz and it has enhanced the storyline even more as it brings a feeling of reality to the story.

In conclusion, the storyline is incredible and kept me hooked right the way through the entire book. Sometimes I pick up a book and find that there are moments where I have to force myself to keep reading but this was not the case here. I would recommend this book for everyone. Morton’s writing style will draw you in and leave you wanting more. I know I did.

What are your thoughts?

Thank you for reading my review.

Next book review: "Perfect – Rachel Joyce"

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